Monday, December 28, 2009

He Came As A Whisper

When Scott was born we were blessed to have Grandma and Papa Anderson, Grandma and Grandpa Young, Rebecca, Rachael, Allen, Ashlie, and Jill at the hospital. Many times I have felt like it was important to any one but me.

In November this year Chris, Joe's mom, was showing me some cute stories she had written. She then asked me if she had ever shown me what she wrote the night Scott was born. I had no idea she had ever written about Scott. I read the poem she wrote and started to cry. It is so beautiful. Along with the tears being shed about my sweet son I was crying because I finally knew how special that night was to her as well. My love for my mother-in-law grew so much more.

Here is the most beautiful poem I have ever read.

He Came As A Whisper
by Christine Young
"He came as a whisper, soft, sweet, innocent. He fell upon us silently, invading our heartstrings, pulling and tugging. He drank in our tears and listened to them silently fall. Silent echos of love filled that small room in those precious few minutes.
He came softly, without cries or tremors of fear. Life brushed across his tiny existence and kissed him gently good-bye. We cry out for time to cease that we can memorize his little face, the gentle slope of his nose, the hairs of his head, the curves of his ears. We gaze in awe at his perfect feet and fingers and toes, all complete but still.
Our hello was more brief than our good-byes. What wondrous soul did we meet in such a brief encounter this cold December night? When we meet again will we recognize each other? Will tears bathe our faces once more in joyous reunion? Good-bye for now, our little one. You will be missed but never forgotten. You have carved a place in our hearts, forever dear, forever our little Scott Leland Young. --December 28, 2007."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Richard Paul Evans » Angel Statues

I hope to see you at the ceremony this Sunday!

"The Christmas Box Angel Statue was introduced to the world in the book The Christmas Box, a worldwide bestseller and hit television movie by author Richard Paul Evans. In the book, a woman mourns the loss of her child at the base of an angel monument. Though the story is mostly fiction, the angel monument once existed but is speculated to have been destroyed. The new angel statue was commissioned by Richard Paul Evans, in response to reports that grieving parents were seeking out the angel as a place to grieve and heal. The monument was dedicated on December 6, 1994-corresponding with the date of the child’s death in The Christmas Box

(Coincidentally, Dec. 6th is celebrated in many parts of the world as Children’s Day). At the request of Sexton Paul Byron and Salt Lake City Mayor Deedee Corradini, Salt Lake City donated the land on which the monument stands. The sculpture is the creation of a father and son from Salt Lake City, Utah, Ortho and Jared Fairbanks, and modeled according to the description in Evans’ book. The face of the angel is that of Evans’ second daughter, Allyson-Danica. If you look closely you can find on the angel’s right wing (west) the word “hope.”

Flowers, sent from around the world, adorn the base of the monument year round, accompanying notes left by parents for their “little angels.” On December 6th of each year (7 p.m. MST) a candlelight healing ceremony is held at the base of the Christmas Box Angel monument. After a few remarks, a moment of silence, and the lullaby of a children’s choir, the attendees are invited to leave a white flower at the base of the angel statue. The public is welcome. For a map to the Salt Lake City statue, click here: Angel Statue Map."